Why Use Us?

We take care of all your employment needs, saving you time, creating short and long-term cost savings through high quality employees and reduced time recruiting, managing and navigating compliance requirements.

We ensure your employment practises are compliant with Fair Work Australia, Safe Work Australia, the Work Health and Safety Act and the Labour Hire Licensing Act.

We have specialist recruitment knowledge and strong connections with Indigenous communities, meaning we recruit higher quality candidates in a shorter time leaving you to focus on your core business.

We have 40 years’ experience in the human resource sector, expert knowledge of the employment market and ongoing conversations with Indigenous communities, so we know a thing or two!

Who We’ve Worked With

Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation

Project: Kondaparinga Homestead

Job: Site cleaning, including mowing and removal of debris, sourcing equipment and providing all labour, while meeting the requirement that all workers have lineage to the Traditional Owners of the land.

Department of Resources

Project: Wolfram Mining Camp Revegetation

Job: Seed collection and planting vegetation for a mine site rehabilitation project. Sourced all labour while meeting the requirement that workers have lineage to the Traditional Owners of the land and an interest in native flora.

Project: Compliance setup

Job: ATO and OIR compliance 

Project: Yarrabah workplace solutions
Job: Building/resident maintenance